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Mobile Communication Device Policy

FCUSD Elementary Board Adopted Mobile Communication Update

5131.8 Mobile Communication Devices

 The Governing Board recognizes that the use of cell phones, smartphones, smart watches, and other mobile communication devices on campus may be beneficial to student learning and well-being but could also be disruptive of the instructional program. The Board permits limited use of mobile communication devices on campus in accordance with law and the following policy.

Students in grades TK-5 may not use cell phones, smartphones, smart watches or other mobile communication devices while on campus.  Devices must be turned off and placed out of sight during the school day.  Students who need to call parents may use phones located in the administrative office.

Mobile communication devices shall be turned off during instructional time. However, a student shall not be prohibited from possessing or using a mobile communication device under any of the following circumstances: (Education Code 48901.5, 48901.7)

  • Please CLICK HERE for the policy in its entirety.